presentation 001
This gallery contains 27 items.
This gallery contains 27 items.
This gallery contains 31 items.
SLAAK was founded by Rasmus Larsson and Erika Lockne in Stockholm, Sweden 2004. SLAAK started as a research laboratory based around internet enabled methods for trendspotting, futures research and futures strategy. These methods where something Rasmus had started developing in 1996 as a management team member at Wognum Art, an internet strategy and design agency.
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The things that will have the biggest impact on the future is almost always undetected because they tend to happen inside Informational Black Holes. An Informational Black Hole is a phenomenon that don’t send out information or do send out information that doesn’t make sense.
Did you just stumble upon something that might be a threat or an opportunity… but don’t know? We check it for you, and clear the fog. What is Clearing Fog Research? Clearing Fog Research is investigative research, very similar to business intelligence, but with a more futurological and entrepreneurial way of analyzing. It’s the fundamental […]
How do you deal with a multitude of longterm mega trends, short-term trends, sustainable innovations, disruptive innovations, political decisions, competitors, new markets, the overall economy and your own business in the middle of it all? You do Chaos Modeling. What is Chaos Modeling? Chaos Modeling is an advanced analysis and modeling technique created by SLAAK. […]
Street Research is a service aimed at detecting ongoing new trends, finding new products or to establish whats actually going on in a specific place that seems to be a creative or innovative hotspot. What is Street Research? Street Research is either cool hunting, trend spotting, space syntax analysis, a deep anthropological study, competitive intelligence […]
Sometimes you just need to have a solid understanding of where the future is heading. Big Futures Study – What & How A study like this is a major undertaking and means we have to do a lot of Street Research, Clearing Fog Research, Black Hole Investigations and Chaos Modeling. Explorative Business Wargaming and other […]
We are currently rebuilding and updating the site, so sorry about the slight inconvenience. In short there will be information about the services we offer to customers and we are also moving the old blog magazine to the new platform to make it searchable in the new system. The old material is still available at […]
Its an essay that outlines one of the fundamental differences between the industrial era and the one just begun. Paul writes about what he knows about namely writing software, people who writes software and start up companies, but don’t let that fool you. For instance he writes: “If variation in productivity increases with technology, then the […]
Lev Manovich is an interesting contemporary thinker and experimental artist in the field of interactive media. This might not be obvious at first when one visits his website, but it’s worth to spend some time there reading his texts. A word of warning though, don’t try reading them unless you have lots of time and […]
Artikeln är ett referat av Lev Manovichs bok The Language of New Media och sätter fokus på det absolut viktigaste om man vill förstå och arbeta med dagens och framtidens media. Följande citat är det mest centrala i artikeln: “Den avgörande skillnaden mellan de digitala och de traditionella medierna kan alltså beskrivas som skillnaden mellan “databaser” och “narrativ”. […]
Sometimes someone come up with a very simple idea with a huge potential. This is one of those. Eric Mankin has created a very simple but powerful tool for evaluating the commercial success for new and innovative product. Its very intuitive, simple and powerful. Expect it to become The Standard Tool for evaluating products. The […]
Just another example of the current trend for websites. Plain looking and built with a smart combination of css, database, flash and decent interactivity and user interface. Doesn’t really use the power in the last generation of web-technologies. On the other hand the cars are very smart. Its very stupid not to design and build […]
Barnkläder på Bondegatan (SOFO)
Vi hittade djurliv i betongen, mitt i SOFO
Urban nature. Concrete tiles with organic patterns of dirt.
Tillfällig tunnelbanekonst vi gillar.
På Medborgarplatsen hittade vi en klassiskt stilren graffiti i silver och svart.
Ovanligt fin affisch med mycket detaljer. Vi blev lite förvånade av att det var Stockholms Stads nya turistsatsning för augusti. (Mer förvånade blir vi i SLAAK SEP 04)
Gråsvart sten, glas och silver hittade vi på Regeringsgatan. Helt ny fasad på ett tidigare ovanligt trist betong och plåthus. Fastighetsägarna i Stockholm börjar visst förstå att hus från 50, 60 och 70-talet har ytterväggar som kan bytas lika enkelt som man byter kläder.
Sedan slutet på 90-talet så pågår en revitalisering av Stockholms byggnader i funktionalistiskt stil. Detta kunde vara en av de intressantaste byggnaderna i Stockholm City med ett mer publikt innehåll i de övre våningarna. Datorbutiken som ersatt tidigare verksamheter i gatuplanet är ett steg på vägen.
A great discussion on the subject of outsourcing software development to India or China and what it will do to the software industry. Best of all is some very good advice on when and how to outsource and when not to. For example its noted that “If the software depends on a technology innovation, such as […]
This article can give us a lot more insights than is obvious at first. I seems to be about the silicon chips industry but its really a lot more about a whole bunch of interesting patterns for the ongoing economic development in the world. Some interesting quotes: “A little history is in order. The semiconductor industry […]
Marita Lindqvist har skrivit boken Kawaii. Baksidestexten säger “I Japan är 12-åriga pojkar megastjärnor och stommen i en miljardindustri som på ytan är en orgie i sockersött och rosa fluff” “Marita Lindqvist har följt idolernas fantastiska fanskara inifrån under snart tio år. Hon har själv skrikit och svimmat på konserter i Tokyo och Tapei…” Vi […]
Some perspective on pension funds, the stock market and the number with big n. The best is the recommendations list at the end, like this number 4: “4– But why wait? You get my message: Forget the market, the calculators and The Number. Get into business right now. What do you have to lose? Like my […]
En stor del av numret handlar om välfärdssystemet och en vänsterplan för att bevara och utveckla det. En hel del myter och så kallade sanningar avslöjas som inte alls så sanna. Tyvärr gör man inte upp med alla myter, som t ex myten om att det inte går att utveckla produktiviteten i den offentliga sektorn. […]
A new cheap biotech thing which together with other similar innovations will create an enormous change in healthcare. Big and fast productivity gains of an (in health care) unprecedented nature will spring from these things. Creating both much lower costs and higher quality at the same time. analysis: The next 30 years will be really […]
Just another example of the current trend. Computers are no longer computers but small pocket devices dedicated to just a couple of things. And cars are no longer cars but rather expensive mobile listening rooms and sound systems for your iPod. Update 2012: link doesn’t work anymore apple – nyheter – smart och ipod
Just another type of example from the networked and wireless pocket computer revolution that just started. bbc news | business | apple and motorola in music deal
One example of a continuos flow of news regarding the ongoing paradigms shift in the use and operation of telecommunications. The article also exhibits several of the most common disinformation schemes floated in the newsflow. Examples from the article are: “By contrast neither Skype or Vonage in the US, which is one of the leading North […]
The article begins: “You pay too much to use the phone. You do, really.” It then shows how much the telecommunication costs for a typical household has been increasing. A large part of this increase is due to the fact that households has to have old style telecommunications along with modern style ones, and this is basically […]
Usually forecasts based on progression of trends are rather uninteresting. But this one is worth looking at because of statements like: “Offline spending is not decreasing. It’s still increasing but online is increasing faster,” and “The real story is that the market is growing in harmony. Search has carried the industry on its shoulder, and we are now […]
We really don’t want to talk to much about Microsoft, but they send out so much disinformation we can’t avoid it. This is an interview with Bill Gates who tries to convince the interviewer that Microsoft is serious about security. But as seen in statements like: “- Gates: The idea of connecting all the computers in […]
Qoute form article: “- I hope that Microsoft will come up with a patch soon. said Johannes Ullrich, chief technology officer for the Internet Storm Center, a site that monitors network threats. – Until they do, you basically have two choices: Disable JavaScript in Internet Explorer or install another browser.” “Among security groups advising a browser […]
Ännu ett exempel på det pågående paradigmskiftet bland telecom-operatörer i världen. svd: gratis nät en vinnare
Stora datorbutiker med en distinkt grafisk profil håller på att ta över gatubilden i de bästa lägena.
Yoga är väldigt aktuellt just nu liksom kraftfulla varma färger som syns.
Egyptiskt klutter. Antalet butiker som säljer föremål och möbler från det arabiska kulturområdet ökar stadigt i Stockholm.
Två trender på samma gång. Arabisk kitsch och Turkos färg.
Affischer i Juli. Starka signalfärger som syns.
Östeuropa börjar få ett markant genomslag i den stockholmska gatubilden och i utbudet av varor.
The establishment of an H&M shop at Götgatsbacken is a sign that the creative people is moving elsewhere.
Götgatsbacken ain’t dead yet. You can still buy cool sneakers here even if the creatives don’t work here anymore.