
blog: AI in 2030

blog: AI in 2030

“A.i. will be as smart as the average human in 10 years time.” is a statement often used today. And it’s usually followed by some doomsday talk about politics needs to take this into account. But is this really a doomsday scenario? An AI comparable in capability to a human brain is not the same […]

citizens and an electric bus in the automagic city

the Automagic City

Science fiction author Arthur C Clarke once said that extremely advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Today, technology is so complex that even those clever enough to get how it works will understand only a fraction of everything it can do.
read the manifesto…

Unicorn communicating with a street lamp in the automagic city

Why write the Automagic City manifesto?

“How do we change this?” was the question. Or more accurate: “How do we change this with minimal effort?” The minimal effort part of the question was critical for two reasons. First, there was a severe shortage on resources. Second, changing the future is hard, really hard. Unless you can find a situation where everything is in place and just needs a small nudge to get going. Then it’s easy.
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blog: Asimov and Psychohistory

blog: Asimov and Psychohistory

Some time ago in a meeting I was describing how we have methods to find chaotic points, in the present and in the near future, where it’s possible to use very small resources to change the general direction of the future. One participant interrupts me with “But that’s like Asimov*s Psychohistory!” and I respond with “Yeah …” and try to continue talking but he interrupts me again with “But don’t you get it? you’re saying you have invented Psychohistory! Psychohistory!!!” and I’m thinking “I wish we had…”. I say “Yes, we have.” because I know that if I don’t…
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Location, Geographic area of influence

Small Location Based Futures Study

A small location-based futures study investigates the current state of a location from an overall perspective and relates its current state to a global business intelligence and futures analysis. It’s the foundation for any resilient location-based strategy.

Awake – Early Warning

Do you just hate being surprised with bad news when its to late to do something about it? We know the feeling. What Awake is our early warning service. It’s an ongoing service where we at regular intervals take a look at your business environment, specific areas of interest to you, general trends and watch […]

Business Wargaming

Ever wanted to make important business decisions and be able to have an undo button if they turn out wrong? That is what Business Wargaming is for, to provide you with an undo button until you know what the right decision is. How We model your business environment and create one or more game scenarios […]

Panic Relief

Panic Relief

Did the world just change into something completely incomprehensible? Panic… and apply to get in on our guest list for Panic Relief. What is Panic Relief? Panic Relief is a flash, pop-up, ad hoc, very informal, possibly secret, social mingle, talk, club thingy where we discuss the future. It’s so informal we don’t even book […]

Global Megatrends

SLAAK on global mega trends

We wrote a feature article in the local web magazine älvsjö.biz on the subject of global mega trends and their potential for creating economic growth. It’s in Swedish but google translate does a fairly good job with it in english. Link www.älvsjö.biz

How Pursuit of Profits Kills Innovation – Forbes

This is possible the most important thing to understand for any business manager looking to create a profit in the coming decade. You’re probably measuring the wrong thing and it kills your profit. Some teasers: Christensen recalls an interesting talk he had with the Morris Chang the chairman and founder of one of the firms, […]

the Phoenix

We’re back up with the blog. It died, and now it’s rising out of the ashes like a Phoenix. The reason we restarted is because there is so much confusion in the world today. There are financial crisis that never seems to end. The arab spring is completely changing the Middle East and North Africa. […]

9 new services

Today we released nine new research services. So now we sell Panic, Street, Blindspot, Fog, Chaos, Awake, Black hole, War and Zen. Yes, its true we actually sell Panic and War. They’re all very advanced research services with the aim of understanding the future by looking closely at the present NOW. Have a nice day, […]

catching the wave

Welcome to SLAAK November 2004 We have worked very hard lately. Its been almost constantly seven-day weeks and 14-16 hour days. Which is the reason this issue is so delayed and shorter than usual. And a lot of other people we know are doing the same at the moment. The reason? Much more customer related […]

stockholm sunrise

Welcome to SLAAK October 2004 The most important observation we have done during the period of mid September to mid October is that Stockholm is clearly picking up steam now. We had a chat with our local bank manager the other day. During that chat we asked him if he had noticed any difference lately. […]

end of a long night

Welcome to SLAAK September 2004 After a long time it finally seems that Stockholm is restarting. We had that feeling in the spring of 2003 but it completely died during that summer. August and early September where awful. Companies died like flies all around us that autumn. Now it felt like things maybe where on […]


For general inquiries, sales, press issues and most other things contact us by e-mail at rasmus@slaak.biz Phone We’re really hard to reach by phone but you might try reaching Rasmus at +46-768 65 22 70 (international) 0768-65 22 70 (in Sweden) Post and packages can be sent to: SLAAK Rasmus Larsson AB Trumslagargatan 14 125 […]

slaak is born

Welcome to SLAAK August 2004 This was our pilot issue for testing if there actually where some interest for a product like this. There was! We had some feedback, the most important was that some people would rather have SLAAK completely in English instead of some items in Swedish and some items in English as […]